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ThymeLeaf 기본 문법

by regularity 2022. 4. 10.


▶Sring Boot에서  공식으로 지원하는 VIEW 템플릿

▶jsp와는 달리 ThymeLeaf문서는 html확장자를 갖고 있어 jsp처럼 servlet이 문서를 표현하는 방식이 아니기 때문에 서버 없이도 동작 가능


 ThymeLeaf 기본 설정 


▶타임리프를 적용할 HTML 문서를 작성하고 상단 <html> 태그 내부에 다음과 같이 작성


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">




ThymeLeaf 자주 사용하는 문법




문법 역할 예제
th:text 문자열 생성 th:text=" ${data} "
th:each 반복문 th:each="article : ${articleList}"
th:if if 조건문 th:if=${data != null}
th:href 이동 경로 th:href=" @{/article/list(id= ${data} )} "

There are quite a lot of attributes like these, each of them targeting a specific HTML5 attribute:

th:abbr	th:accept	th:accept-charset
th:accesskey	th:action	th:align
th:alt	th:archive	th:audio
th:autocomplete	th:axis	th:background
th:bgcolor	th:border	th:cellpadding
th:cellspacing	th:challenge	th:charset
th:cite	th:class	th:classid
th:codebase	th:codetype	th:cols
th:colspan	th:compact	th:content
th:contenteditable	th:contextmenu	th:data
th:datetime	th:dir	th:draggable
th:dropzone	th:enctype	th:for
th:form	th:formaction	th:formenctype
th:formmethod	th:formtarget	th:fragment
th:frame	th:frameborder	th:headers
th:height	th:high	th:href
th:hreflang	th:hspace	th:http-equiv
th:icon	th:id	th:inline
th:keytype	th:kind	th:label
th:lang	th:list	th:longdesc
th:low	th:manifest	th:marginheight
th:marginwidth	th:max	th:maxlength
th:media	th:method	th:min
th:name	th:onabort	th:onafterprint
th:onbeforeprint	th:onbeforeunload	th:onblur
th:oncanplay	th:oncanplaythrough	th:onchange
th:onclick	th:oncontextmenu	th:ondblclick
th:ondrag	th:ondragend	th:ondragenter
th:ondragleave	th:ondragover	th:ondragstart
th:ondrop	th:ondurationchange	th:onemptied
th:onended	th:onerror	th:onfocus
th:onformchange	th:onforminput	th:onhashchange
th:oninput	th:oninvalid	th:onkeydown
th:onkeypress	th:onkeyup	th:onload
th:onloadeddata	th:onloadedmetadata	th:onloadstart
th:onmessage	th:onmousedown	th:onmousemove
th:onmouseout	th:onmouseover	th:onmouseup
th:onmousewheel	th:onoffline	th:ononline
th:onpause	th:onplay	th:onplaying
th:onpopstate	th:onprogress	th:onratechange
th:onreadystatechange	th:onredo	th:onreset
th:onresize	th:onscroll	th:onseeked
th:onseeking	th:onselect	th:onshow
th:onstalled	th:onstorage	th:onsubmit
th:onsuspend	th:ontimeupdate	th:onundo
th:onunload	th:onvolumechange	th:onwaiting
th:optimum	th:pattern	th:placeholder
th:poster	th:preload	th:radiogroup
th:rel	th:rev	th:rows
th:rowspan	th:rules	th:sandbox
th:scheme	th:scope	th:scrolling
th:size	th:sizes	th:span
th:spellcheck	th:src	th:srclang
th:standby	th:start	th:step
th:style	th:summary	th:tabindex
th:target	th:title	th:type
th:usemap	th:value	th:valuetype
th:vspace	th:width	th:wrap
th:xmlbase	th:xmllang	th:xmlspace
